понедельник, 18 ноября 2013 г.

воскресенье, 28 июля 2013 г.

Game of S.K.A.T.E. on snow

26 july 2013 in snej.com was Game of S.K.A.T.E. on snow.
1. Timur Kamalov aka WuTang (Тимур "ВуТанг" Камалов)
2. Svyat Epikhin aka Fisherman (Свят "Рыбак" Епихин)
3. Vasily Smirnov aka Harlo (Василий "Харло" Смирнов)
4. Denis Petrov aka Denchik (Денис "Денчик" Петров)
4. Valery Nozdrin aka Val (Валерий "Вал" Ноздрин)

Left to right: Titov A., Smirnov V., Epikhin S., Nozdrin V., Petrov D., and reflection Kamalov T.

вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.

New geometry big air kicker.

On Sunday, June 9 was torn pillow and using the fact that the day it was closed , rebuilt the ramp . More precisely - changed his degree. The back part was raised to 15-20 cm , thus bent the whole springboard . At night, little has changed to the entrance ramp.
Generally a couple of shovels , 50 liters of water , guys in park who help me, 5 hours later , everything was ready .
The second shaper for the next day, I wrote : " The kicker f *** ur just awesome :) ) ) 720 easy spinning in the air even have time to think about now ) "

четверг, 25 апреля 2013 г.


Два дня уже ежу в магазины за ништяками, шиномонтаж и гараж. Есть проблемы, но надеюсь их решить. А пока что получается примерно так:

вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

суббота, 2 февраля 2013 г.

Night ride in snowpark "Tyagochovo"

Finally reached the Gravity Park in Moscow. In the park make pictures failed because we celebrate the birthday of a remarkable woman. But to ride it 40 minutes. Last year's figures + new tyrrr-pipe and bonk. Line kickers and theft, but the weather was -1 and moves was a disaster. But in principle all liked.

среда, 30 января 2013 г.

I like my job.

My work best of the world. My working stuff: XXXL jacket and pants, helmet, goggles, shovel and Snow Cat Prinoth Husky 2012. At work always hang out with friends. In snow cat allways play my favorit music, morning praises and scolds best leader and all colleagues are great guys.
Dreams Come True -Thanks SNEJ.COM.